Events Calendar

UpComing this month
Weekend Away in the lovely Gower Peninsular.
Friday 14 September 2018, 16:00
To Sunday 16 September 2018

Rhossilli is at the south-west corner of the Gower Peninsula, South Wales, (18 miles), 40 mins by car from Swansea City centre. The bunkhouse is on the B4247 near Middleton in the village of Rhossili.

The post code may take a few 100m to the west, beyond the centre, which is on the left, close to a track forking off behind a house.

Location Rhossili Bunkhouse, Rhossili, Gower, SA3 1PL Map Reff SS421878
Sleeps 18. Maps Explorer 164, Landranger 159
Attendees (*= Fri night dinner): Julie*, Steve, Debbie, Chris*, Tina S*, Sue W*, Ann*, Nick*, Jas*, Bridie*, Nigel*, Colin Wa*, John D*, Tony*, Sue S*, Denise*, Talya*, Dave A*